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with CultureAI

with us

Empower your customers to effectively monitor, reduce, and fix their human cyber risk with CultureAI as your trusted partner.

We are committed to supporting our partners in increasing their sales and earnings by offering innovative solutions with generous margins.

Discover our
partner benefits

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Generous margin structure

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Deal registration advantage

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Upselling model in place

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Flexible licensing for prepaid annual or multi-year agreements

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Priority access to product announcements, training, and support

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Comprehensive sales and marketing support

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Access to co-marketing and events opportunities

Why partner
with CultureAI?

You've probably heard the often-quoted statistic that 74% of all breaches involve the human element. Employees make mistakes, engage in risky behaviours, and are targeted by social engineering attacks - all of which can lead to devastating breaches.

However, most organisations still lack an effective method for measuring and managing human risk.

CultureAI’s Human Risk Management Platform enables security teams to identify workplace security risks, coach employees in the moment, and automate fixes.

enquire about becoming 

a CultureAI partner

Our goal is to make you a pivotal partner in the fight against cyber threats, reducing security incidents, and ensuring a safer digital world for everyone.
