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& security behaviours

Discover the data sources and integrations associated with trackable behaviours in the CultureAI platform.

CultureAI Human Risk Management SaaS Security

Discover a range of
data sources & integrations

CultureAI monitors over 60 positive and risky security behaviours. Get an overview of all our data sources and integrations below.

For more information into each integrations specifications around data storage, trackable security behaviours, and required permissions, reach out to our team for a more detailed integrations document.

Google Chrome logo

Google Chrome

Identify and track risky SaaS usage across your workforce with CultureAI's Google browser extension.

Google Chat logo


Push security notifications and just-in-time education to employees automatically via Google Chat.

Google Drive logo


Identify and, if necessary, remove sensitive or confidential information shared in files.

Microsoft Logo


CultureAI’s Microsoft integration allows CultureAI to pull security behaviour events from an array of Microsoft tools.

Microsoft Edge Logo

Microsoft Edge

Identify and track risky SaaS usage across your workforce with CultureAI's Edge browser extension.

Microsoft Teams Logo

Microsoft Teams

Identify and, if necessary, remove sensitive or confidential information shared in public channels.

Slack Logo


Identify and, if necessary, remove sensitive or confidential information shared in Slack channels.

hibp logo


Automatically scan for email domains that have been breached.

Duo Security Logo

DUO Security

Execute simulated multi-factor authentication attacks using DUO Security MFA.

Okta Logo


Extract security behaviour events from Okta and utilise Okta’s Verify application to simulate MFA phishing attacks.

Workplace by Meta Logo

Workplace from meta

Identify and, if necessary, remove sensitive or confidential information shared in public channels.

CultureAI - Reporter Logo

CultureAI Reporter

Employees can report simulated phishing emails and real-world suspicious emails seamlessly from their email client — whether on desktop, web, or mobile — using CultureAI's deployable Google Mail or Outlook add-in.

CultureAI - Email Phishing Logo


The simulated email phishing tool offered by CultureAI is seamlessly integrated into the platform.

CultureAI - Security Centre Logo

CultureAI Security Centre

An integrated Security Awareness platform that can be tailored and branded to suit your requirements.

VirusTotal logo


All emails with attachments undergo automatic scanning for malicious content, using the default VirusTotal integration.

urlscan logo


All URLs undergo scanning for suspicious and malicious URLs, using the default URL Scan integration.

servicenow logo


Generate tickets in ServiceNow when specific security behaviour events are detected.

mimecast logo


Automatically update the Mimecast allowlist for URLs and addresses, ensuring delivery of CultureAI's notifications, alerts, and phishing simulations.

jira logo


Automatically raise tickets via Jira.

proofpoint logo


Track when employees click on malicious links.

KnowBe4 Logo


Track reports of phishing simulations or clicks on simulations delivered with the KnowBe4 platform.

Want more info on
our integrations?

If you have any queries about our integrations, reach out to the CultureAI team, we’re here to help!