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Transform behaviours with
Targeted Coaching

Bite-sized, relevant content when it's most needed, to ensure employees are well-equipped for real-world threats.

CultureAI Targeted Coaching Hero

Say goodbye to
one-size-fits-all training

Generic security awareness training focuses on compliance rather than behaviour change, leaving employees disengaged and eager to click through as quickly as possible.

Timing and relevancy are critical when it comes to delivering impactful security coaching. So, let’s focus on personalised coaching that provides tailored education when employees need it most.


Targeted education, guidance, or policies are automatically delivered to your employees when they exhibit a risky behaviour, such as password reuse or using unapproved software.

Just-in-time education can be delivered within the applications your employees are working most.

Providing bite-sized, relevant content at the point of risk will ensure employees are well-equipped for real-world scenarios.

CultureAI Targeted Coaching Just In Time Training

risk scoring

Like a personal credit score but for cyber security.

Every employee receives a risk score, based on real-time behavioural data and phishing simulations.

Your employees can also view their own risk score through the Security Centre, empowering them to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and access personalised advice.

CultureAI Targeted Coaching Risk Scoring


Ensure compliance by providing employees with access to industry-standard training programmes. These short, interactive modules are available in 26 languages covering a wide range of security topics.

To ensure training completion, we offer custom reminders. Send automatic alerts to employees via email, Slack, Teams, or Workplace.

No more chasing — we'll handle that for you.

CultureAI Targeted Coaching Awareness Training

and rewards

Cultivating a culture of secure behaviours doesn't have to be a chore. With CultureAI, it can be truly rewarding.

Positive reinforcement is crucial for effective security coaching. Automatically reward points for good security behaviours, like reporting phishing emails or setting up strong passwords. This way, positive decisions are recognised and incentivised.

CultureAI Targeted Coaching Gamification & Rewards
Human Risk Monitoring Icon

Human Risk Monitoring

Gain real-time visibility of your workforce risks.

Read more about Human Risk Monitoring
Interventions Icon

Automated Interventions

Instantly fix risks created by employees.

Read more about Automated Interventions
Nudges Icon

Security Nudges

Empower employees to assess and fix their own risks.

Read more about Security Nudges